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The Trip So Far (cont)

Once refuelled by ground support the pilots flew on to
the second zero fuel land-out by both at a demolished
steel works near junction 47 of the M4. Ground Support
found them rapidly after having repaired a flat on the
Land rover 110 support vehicle. Sue refuelled the
pilots as well and they headed off with the hope of
making England by nightfall. The tailwinds did not
favour the Pilots path and on the dot of Visual Flight
Night Landing rules Edi landed on the top of Mynydd
Jamie leaving St Davids

Jamie leaving St David's

Meio Mountain with Jamie close behind. With 4hrs
20mins on the 1st day and about 90 miles flown the
Ground Support team found them again and camp
was set on the top of the mountain.

The Sun came and went in Orange blushes with the
cloud where camped in on the 2nd morning. Finally it
lifted and they launched at 10am into glorious skies.
Jamie over Newport
Jamie flying over Newport

 At about noon after 6 hours and 20 minutes and a
total of 130 miles flying the Pilots crossed
the border being the Usk River over Chepstow into
England. Landing 20 minutes later at Ward farm,
Edi’s exhaust had loosened just before landing and
rubbed into his prop so he came in rather noisily
and Jamie had a hard landing but all brilliant
welcome of the Jennery Family and our erstwhile
film man Charlie Tibbet.

Having crossed Wales the TGPPG team decided that
so much was happening that it was essential that
the TGPPG found a Cameraman and more filming
equipment so that the next country, England and its
trip, would be filmed properly and in its entirety.